Tag: tips

Shop and Save at Smart & Final + Enter to Win...

March is Frozen Food Month at Smart & Final, and you don't want to miss this great opportunity to win a vacation while shopping...

How to Help Storm Victims in Texas & Other States

By now, we have all heard about what is happening in the South. At least 37 people are dead and 100 million are without...

Celebrate Valentine’s Day With These Sweet Offerings!

With the stay-at-home order lifted earlier this week, there are plenty of ways for San Diegans to safely celebrate Valentine's Day this year. Here is a...

Easy and Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day Decorating

My husband and I met on 2/13, so we’ve always done an anniversary/Valentine date and then made Valentine’s Day about the kiddos. They, of...

A Birthday for the Books at Plunge San Diego

My daughter Kaia just turned five years old. And what better place to host this intimate birthday than what has been our second home...

Tips to Encourage Your Toddler to Talk!

Your child will start babbling at around 6 months, and between 12-15 months, they start saying their first words. Some babies may, however, take...

Game-Winning Recipes Thanks to Smart & Final [SPONSORED]

For those mamas looking to win the Super Bowl with their incredible pre - and half-time snacks, this post is for you. For those...

Save Money & Time with Pocket Chefs {SPONSORED}

1919 If you’re anything like me, you dread Sunday night meal prep and planning for the upcoming week.  The time I spend thinking about which meals to...

Five Alternatives to the New Year’s Resolution

I think we are all ready to usher in a new year, am I right? I've never been a huge New Year's Resolution person,...

Reading Time for Independent Kids

  Time to read As parents, we all want our children to do well in school. We hope they find a subject they’ll enjoy. Of course,...

San Diego Holiday Gift Guide for Kids

When holiday shopping for your kids, have you ever heard of the “want, need, wear, read” rule? I love thinking about those four things...

Gotta Get Away? Try Big Bear!

This whole COVID life has got me feeling like Lenny Kravitz - I want to get away. I wanna fly away. Except not fly...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring and Easter events in San Diego are in FULL bloom! 🌸  Spring in San Diego is a time of joy, celebration, and many...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer