Not Your Average Cake Smash Session :: Bring on the Cake and Champagne


Isn’t it fun to browse pinterest for hours on end to find the perfect outfit and background that you want to use for your little one-year-old’s first birthday cake smash photo session?

cake smash

I know we all do it- simply for the photos to look back on of our precious little ones. Any type of photo session that you plan; whether it’s family photos, cake smash sessions, or photos just because your kids are getting bigger, is a labor of love.

What photographer? What color scheme? What background? What details? What can I do to make the experience a permanent imprint in my mind and the photos something to always look back on and smile about?

Well- what if you put that much work into photos for YOURSELF?

Yes, I am talking to you! That hard working mama that barely has any photos of herself because she’s always behind the camera taking snap shots of her littles. I’m not talking about you being in those posed yearly family photos. I’m talking about photos of you, having a blast, and capturing you as more then just the mama.

Well, one of my girlfriends and I saw this image of an adult cake smash session. Who knows who thought of this genius idea, but WHO CARES! We had a reason to use this thought- with her birthday being on March 14th, and mine on the 15th, we decided to celebrate our half-birthdays! We knew we needed to take this idea and make it our own, and do it with each other! With the help of a few friends, we got it all together, and had a BLAST doing it!

All photos you see are from the talented Jayme Price Hanson of Day Dreams Photography LLC. From the beginning, as I explained our crazy idea to her, she was extremely easy to work with. She embraced the whole picture, and had a bunch of fun suggestions for us that helped to shape the style of the shoot. We obviously highly recommend her, as you will see by the images below! The super cute, custom banner is from Adrian Conklin, owner of Jules and Kenna, and the beautiful and delicious smash cakes were made by Jennifer Rodriguez of Sweets for the Sweet. The perfect crowns were made by Elisabeth!

cake smash

Can I just be honest? Firstly- I love this friend of mine. Elisabeth and I became fast friends, which is… hard to do the older you get. She is one of those people who gets me- and accepts the weird, quirky things about me. And she is SO MUCH FUN!

cake smash

I mean, there’s not many friends I would feed cake to. Or make a ridiculous mess of food with.

cake smash session

cake smash

I love that Elisabeth is an all-in type of gal. I’m the type to dance around the edge of the water and just dip my toes in until I am comfortable enough to inch my way in.

cake smash

Toasting to our friendship was extremely important, and not just with a glass of champagne…

cake smash

And just like a 1 year old, we have “stats” too. I mean, it’s really important to record your stats every year, even as an adult, right? Then you have something to look back on and laugh at!

adult cake smash

adult cake smash

I encourage you to take some time for you! Do something fun, outrageous, downright insane! But do it for YOU! I hope that you found some inspiration from our stylized photo shoot. I will never forget the fun time Elisabeth and I had doing this together, and now we have these beautiful photos to always look back on.

Blooper reel:

cake smash session

cake smash session