Love your Mom Bod (Part 3 in 4 Part Series)


Part one | Part two

As the morning progressed… it felt more like some type of mom reunion. The chatting was happening and the photos were being taken (Melissa Tara Photography/ Crystella Photography) , and it was all perfection. This group photo happened to be my favorite because of all the kiddos! It turned out so great and all the kiddos made the photo perfect!


love your mom bod
Melissa Tara Photography


1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
I am 15 months into this parenthood journey and it is by far the hardest yet most rewarding thing I have ever done. Parenthood isn’t easy, and it’s definitely taken a toll on my body; but the love and laughter my guys bring to my life daily is what life is all about! 
Melissa Tara Photography


2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
I’ve never been more proud of my body. It made a human, birthed a human and now nurtures that tiny human. Before baby I found ways to hate my body every single day. But after becoming a mom, I have never felt more confident in my body inside and out. I no longer have time or energy to put myself down, it’s just not worth it. Instead I choose to lift myself up and remind myself of just how remarkable my body is and all the things it has provided not only me, but my family this past 15 months. I couldn’t be prouder. 
Melissa Tara Photography

3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?

My body is a healthy vessel that takes my son and I through this life together, nurturing, adventuring, cuddling, kissing – my body allows me to LOVE and be loved. I’m beautiful in my son’s eyes and that’s all that matters to me. 


love your mom bod
Crystella Photography

1) Tell us a little bit about your family.

My Fiancé and I have been together for seven years. We have two beautiful active and energetic daughters, ages 3 and 4. We enjoy everything our hometown of San Diego has to offer from the beaches to the mountains. We enjoy spending time at The Zoo and theme parks.

love your mom bod
Crystella Photography

2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?

I am the same weight as before babies although my belly is more pronounced now than it was before. Overall, I would rate my mom bod as a C+. I’m not failing but there is always room for improvement!

3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in its current state?

My body- the pronounced belly, stretch marks, and drooped breasts are my memories of my two pregnancies and nursing. Both pregnancies were high-risk… I’m just happy and blessed to have given birth to two healthy babies.




Love your mom bod
Melissa Tara Photography

1) Tell us a little bit about your family.

We are a super loving family of four! We are active in our church, we love shopping, going to Disneyland, cooking, watching Disney movies and spending time together! 

love your mom bod
Melissa Tara Photography

2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?

I love that my body had birthed two beautiful girls. Since having my babies I’ve lost over 100 lbs and I’m proud of the woman and mother I’ve become in the process and love how strong my mom bod really is. 

love your mom bod
Melissa Tara Photography

3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state? 

I love that I feel sexy and fit and didn’t think I’d ever feel this way after two children! My body is so strong and faithful and I’m gonna do whatever I can to care for this beautiful body forever. It’s been great to me and in-turn, I’m going to be great to it! 


love your mom bod
Crystella Photography


1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m a 43 year old mom of two, Jackson (3) and Remi (2). I’ve been married to Tom for almost 20 years. Tom just retired from a 21 year career with the US Coast Guard in September and we are now pastors at C3 San Diego serving the Military and Kids Ministries. 
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
I’m very proud of my current mom bod. I gained over 60lbs with my almost back to back pregnancies (17 months separate my kids) and have now lost it all and even more. Both pregnancies were c sections and I now have a crooked scar, but that scar reminds me that my babies were born safely and are healthy and so am I! 
love your mom bod
Crystella Photography


3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
 Being an older mom of two young kids, I knew I needed to be healthy and strong for the long run. My arms are super strong now and I can lift both my kids at the same time, a necessity when they both have a simultaneous meltdown when we’re out in public. I can also keep up with them and their never-ending energy!
love your mom bod
Crystella Photography






love your mom bod

Crystella Photography

1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’ve been married to my husband for 2 years and we have a 15 month old daughter and 4 week old daughter. Our family got started on our honeymoon! I am a domestic engineer (stay at home Mom!) and love enjoying all that San Diego has to offer with my girls!
love your mom bod
Crystella Photography
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
My current “Mom bod” is a lot squishier than it used to be. I am slowly starting to feel more comfortable with my new, curvier body. When I start to feel insecure I remind myself that my body has grown two babies in two years which is pretty amazing!

love your mom bod

Crystella Photography

3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
I love that I can still feel my ab muscles in my belly and that my body has a more womanly shape. I’ve always been thin with an athletic build so a lot of my muscle is still there. My arm muscles are getting strong lifting a toddler and newborn all day!



love your mom bod
Melissa Tara Photography