Welcome to part two of our Love Your Mom Bod series. Here’s part one
As we continued on to the 9:30 am group, I am greeted by more mamas I have never met before. Amanda had her brand spankin new 7 week old baby with her! And as we all started chatting about stretch marks, the thoughts of my kiddos as little babies started creeping back into my mind. The smell of those precious little babies can almost bring you to tears.
Melissa Tara Photography
1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m a new mom to a now 8 week old little girl. I’m also a part-time law student. My wonderful husband is originally from here, but I’m originally from New England. We love spending time outside in the beautiful weather, especially hiking with our dog!
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
My current mom bod needs a lot of work – but at only 8 weeks postpartum, I’m trying to be forgiving of my current physical state. I am a marathon runner and signed up for one around my daughter’s first birthday, so I hope that gives me the motivation to work on being healthier and a good example for her!
Melissa Tara Photography
3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
I love my current body for the fact that it carried a healthy baby girl to term. Not only that, but I delivered her safely! I am amazed every day that my body made this amazing little girl.
Crystella Photography
1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
My husband Michael and I have traveled all over before settling into our dream city of San Diego in 2014. We have two beautiful daughters, Isabella 6, and Zoe 7 months old. Life is busy as a full time Realtor and I appreciate every single moment with our girls, our friends, and our families. We love the outdoors and staying active and healthy by hiking, running, surfing, swimming, practicing yoga, spinning, and experimenting with fun recipes for the whole family to enjoy!
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
I accept that I will not achieve the exact same bod I had before babies. I just don’t think it’s possible with that amount of stretching (I put on 22lbs and 40lbs per pregnancy, respectively). I have so much more acceptance towards my mom bod than I ever have, and I am much more patient about results; in fact I don’t aim to look a certain way by a certain time. Instead, I am more focused on making progress one day at a time and I remain conscious of every positive change, as little as it may seem. There’s nothing like feeling stronger during a yoga practice or running longer without feeling fatigue.
Crystella Photography
3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
My strong arms, shoulders, back and legs that have held my big baby and nursed her for 7 months and that lift my 55lb girl when tight snuggles are in order. My balanced mind that allows me to juggle everything in my life despite waking up night after night to nurse my baby. I love that my body is cooperating so well with physical activity and I have a feeling that the best shape I have ever been in is yet to come.
Melissa Tara Photography
1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
I’m Jessica, a 33-year-old work-at-home mom to two little girls (ages 4 and 2), and one little boy on the way (due any day now!). My husband is in the Air Force, and is doing an exchange with the Marines for the next two years, which is what brought us out here to sunny San Diego. When I’m not waddling around to keep up with the kids, you can find me working my Pampered Chef, making something yummy in the kitchen, taking a bath, or bouncing on a yoga ball to get this baby out!
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
Let’s just be honest…my current mom bod isn’t exactly that picture-perfect, glowing pregnant look. It’s covered in stretch marks and the only “glow” it has is the reflection from sweat dripping off my face (why does 70-degrees feel so hot?!). My current mom bod waddles after a long day, the belly has no place to go except out (thanks to my short torso), and it has dozens of extra pounds packed on it from two previous pregnancies and three decades of enjoying life. Do I wish I lost the weight before I got pregnant? Absolutely. But this is where I am. My mom bod before babies may have run two half marathons (the most challenging thing I ever did in my earlier years), but this mom bod has carried three children. It’s endured pitocin (OUCH), and has also experienced a natural, non-medicated labor, and even though my belly has literally been stretched to its max this time (with the stretch marks to prove it), it’s held my third child while holding the other two on my hips. My mom bod may not be picture-perfect, but it’s perfect for me and my family.
Melissa Tara Photography
3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
Despite the normal wear and tear of pregnancy: the aches, pains, waddles, acne, heartburn, stretch marks, restless nights, swollen body parts, lack of alcohol, clothes that don’t fit, and, of course, the spontaneous peeing when you sneeze, cough, laugh, or simply move sometimes, I’m continually amazed at what my body is capable of. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to grow and birth babies, and despite how hard the last few weeks are, I’m reminded of the outcome on the other side. I’m in awe that my body—flaws and all—can create something so unmistakably beautiful.
Crystella Photography
1) Tell us a little bit about your family.
We are a tribe of 4, We say 4 because of our fur baby, Keoni. Sophie and Keoni are two peas in a pod, they do everything together. My husband Cheyne works his butt off so that I can be a stay at home mom and raise our baby girl. We are a family who loves to be outdoors and take adventures anytime we get a chance. We want to be able to show Sophie the world.
Crystella Photography
2) How do you feel about your current mom bod (vs your bod before babies)?
My stretch marks took time to get used to. I wouldn’t let my husband see me after getting out of the shower because I thought they were ugly. After months went by, I’ve learned to embrace them. After All, they are from giving me something extremely special. I’m learning to accept my body for what it is and what it has given me.
3) What are some of the strengths that you love about your body in it’s current state?
My arms. My arms have gained some strength after having Sophie. As a mom you try to juggle and carry multiple things at once. You learn to hold your baby, diaper bag, toys, groceries, etc. all at once and after months of practice your arms seem to get better at the weight and juggling 2-3 things at once.
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