Meet Stephanie Labile, Owner of Unique Heartbeat
Stephanie, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us. Let’s start with who you are both personally and professionally. Give us the 30-second elevator pitch that you would give when asked to introduce yourself.
I’m a wife and mother of two beautiful, loving little girls born with many severe and life-threatening food allergies. We live a sweet organic everyday life. Sharing our journey with hormone imbalance, Celiac disease, and unspecified muscular dystrophy, EOE, FPIES, EDS (connective tissue disease), GERD, Autism and now new to the Gtube Community (my daughter just had her Gtube (feeding tube) placed in October 2020). My goal is to advocate, bake, blog and love! My husband, Giovanni, has been one of my greatest supports in providing our family with what we need. Living off one income is no easy task, but we manage because we love our daughters. Everyone in our lives has been a tremendous help and support. –It’s a lot to take in.
What does “As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” mean to you?
“As Strong as a Mother Next to Me” means a mother that dedicates her life to her family. It can be a SAHM, a 9-5 working mom, a CEO mom, a social media mom, there is no wrong way to Mom life. Women are stronger than people think, we keep our families going, from planning vacations to daily life.”
Tell us about yourself as a mother and businesswoman. Being a mother to two beautiful, loving little girls born with many severe and life-threatening food allergies, Celiac disease, unspecified muscular dystrophy, EOE, FPIES, EDS (connective tissue disease), GERD, Autism, Hormone imbalance, and GTube. My goal is to advocate and love! My life is no easy task, but I manage because I love our daughters. I advocate helping families going through a similar life. If I can help at least one family, that’s a win in my book. I have fought hard to get the proper care and education for our girls, all why battling a hormone imbalance and trying to stay strong. My blog and social media outlets don’t feel like work because it’s part of our life, and I share the journey along the way. My husband and my mom are the biggest supporters of my blog. My mom has always helped when I need her; from traveling to summits to watching my girls, she is always there. I learned how to be the best mom because of her.
How important is it to you to surround yourself with other moms both professionally and personally? Mom friends are the best and important to have because we build each other up, we understand firsthand what it’s like to be a mom in this crazy time we live in.
I started sharing our family’s story about 10 years ago, it started as just sharing and it became a small business. Sometimes I get overwhelmed as my following grows but then I remember why I started it all. Advocacy!
What challenges do you face as a mother and a business person? Sometimes I find that I let go of time and forget to post/ share a blog post, but hey no one said mom life was easy.
What piece of advice would you give another mom who is struggling with balancing work/home life? or thinking about starting her own business? Write down a plan and run with it. Nothing is perfect when you first start, along the way you will figure out how to iron out the wrinkles. If you have questions regarding something don’t hesitate to ask, sometimes we overthink what people think about us, but who cares, just be you!
What are some of your favorite resources for business that have saved you time?? Canva, Unfold, Lightroom, boosted, and Grammarly.
Tell us about a challenging time in your business and how you overcame it? I try to overcome challenging times by depending and asking for help from my support system pack.
How did you build your community of moms around you and how have they impacted your life personally and professionally? I have met most of my mom community online, and at different summit/ conventions. Each one brings something so different to the table in their unique way, having them in my life has been such a positive experience.
Do you have a non-profit or cause that you want us to know more about? And why are you so passionate about this? There are so many where do I even start. I have a passion that directly impacts our family, FAACT, The Shea center for therapeutic riding, Feeding Tube Awareness Foundation, Celiac Disease Foundation, and Rare Disease Foundation.
“As Strong as the Mother Next to Me” was built on the principle and belief that with the right community and sisterhood you can move mountains. Founder Niki Jones is a single mother and entrepreneur who understands that leaning on her circle doesn’t make her weak; it makes her unstoppable.
Research supports that by doing good or paying it forward, in ways big or small, not only feels good, but also does us good.
MOTHERHOOD IS HARD ENOUGH. San Diego Moms wants to provide an experience and community that is inclusive, uplifting and supportive to ALL moms. By empowering and lifting each other up, we become better women, partners, leaders, and friends.
At this time I would like to ask you to MOMinate two moms and tell us why they are the Strong Mother Next to You . . .
Prisma Romero
“Prisma is my best friend, we became close friends when I was planning out my wedding and decided to have our wedding at her husband’s Italian restaurant Romeo Cucina in Laguna Beach. Our friendship has only grown since then, we were pregnant together, our girls are best friends and we love being silly together. She has empowered me to be so much better, has been there for me throughout the thick and thin and we have grown together as mothers. She is a hard-working mama, from going to school, writing and illustrating books, and helping her husband with the family restaurant on top of being a mom.”
A beautiful cause plus mom’s support is amazing
Thank you for sharing such an amazing
Inspiring stories 🤍🤍🤍🤍
We can do it together!!!
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