
Jenna Skora

Jenna Skora
Jenna is the owner and founder of the San Diego Moms Blog. As a San Diego native, she met and quickly Married her husband (also a native) in her hometown in 2007. He deployed shortly after, and when he returned, they welcomed their daughter Hayley in 2009. The family grew once again with Savannah being born in 2011. As a fire wife, homeschooling mom, and all around CEO of the house, Jenna likes to take some time to herself and teach fitness classes. As her main passion for over 3 years, Insanity and Zumba top the list as her favorites.

San Diego Moms Blog is Looking for Writers!

{Applications closed} We are expanding our team of regular writers! SDMB is looking for local (San Diego county, even into Temecula) moms who are passionate about our community and love to share stories and wisdom with...

Bad Moms Movie Premier Re-Cap

What's better then having a Moms Night Out pre-screening event showing the movie Bad Moms? Nothing! Nothing at all! Last nights event was nothing short of an absolute blast. When I started working with the Vice...

An Alternative to Traditional Sunscreen? {Sponsored Post} Plus a Free Printable!

Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Crunchie Life, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own.  As a mom living in a progressive type of world where you can never do too much research...

Christmas In July! {Future Event Announcements for SDMB}

We have been working our tails off planning events for our readers, and are excited to announce what San Diego Moms Blog has in the works for the rest of the year!   The first event to unveil, will...

An Open Letter To My Friends Without Kids

Hi friend, I miss you. It's hard when I don't get to see you as much as I used to. I remember my first pregnancy like it was yesterday. Not many of our friends had been...

Bad Moms Exclusive Movie Premier Event!

San Diego Moms Blog has teamed up with Ultrastar Cinemas in Hazard Center to share this exclusive event with our readers. The Bad Moms movie comes out in theatres on July 29th, 2016, BUT.... San Diego Moms Blog...

Keeping Some Sanity Day to Day With CoSchedule (Sponsored Post)

Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by CoSchedule, but as always, all opinions expressed are our own.  As a work at home-homeschooling mom, I find it incredibly hard to find the magic formula to finding...

Water Safety:: Three Different Types of Drowning Explained

I'm about to get uncomfortable and share a story that I never thought I would tell anyone about. I remember when my oldest was right around 10 months old. We had a pool, I had the...

Moms Guide to July Events in San Diego

Looking for something to do in San Diego in July? (Other then hitting the beaches obviously!) Here is your one stop shop to goings on all around town. If we missed any, please...

Temecula Summer Events

Did you know that there is plenty happening around Temecula to keep you busy this Summer? Check back to this page often as we will update with new events when as we can!!   Summer Concert Series When: July...

You KNOW You’re From San Diego When…

Are you a San Diego native? There are things that only true San Diego natives can relate to when it comes to our beautiful town. To capture these facts, we polled our team of writers and...

What are Those Tiny Red Creatures on California’s Shores?!

When strange things happen in California, inquiring minds want to know. What are those small red lobsterish (dead) creatures doing washed up on the shores of all the Southern California beaches? These tiny creatures- between 1-3...

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In + Around San Diego

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me: Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer

Meet Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, Mom + Owner, I-Orthodontics We are so grateful that Lindsay shared her story with us... "Hi I’m Lindsay, I’m an orthodontist and...