We are so excited to partner with Green Flash Brewing in San Diego to bring you our second annual pre-Father's Day photo shoot!
Our event last year was our very first event in the history of the San Diego Moms Blog!...
What if I told you there was a natural way to heal from birth?
Decrease chance of getting PPD (postpartum depression)
Increase and enrichment of breast milk
Increase of energy
Helps to increase hemoglobin after birth
Decrease in postpartum...
I recently had the opportunity to attend the Strawberry Picking Festival at Stehly Farms Organics in Escondido. Now, I must confess I am a bit of a crunchy mama most of the time. I do grow a lot of...
Yes, 'adult bonding' is a thing! As we get older it seems more difficult to make new friends or find love interests. But it doesn't have to be, if you have a plan and a little insight.
Because of a...
Swap, Gift, or Sell before you Toss
A great way to keep your clothes away from the landfill is to go to, or start, your own clothing swap. You have access to a great group right here in San Diego...
Bloom 2017: an event for new and expecting moms! We have been working behind the scenes for months on this amazing event for our San Diego mamas. Check each tab for info- and save the ticket link for when...
So What's Next?
First, you need to watch The True Cost movie with your family. Don't just take my word for what's going on- see for yourself, first-hand, the massive effect the fashion supply chain really has.
If you're not already convinced...
Have you ever thought you could save the planet in your own home? Of course it's good to recycle and conserve more water. Maybe, like me, you've signed a few petitions for good causes, but what could your normal...
April is testicular cancer awareness month.
Up until recently, “Cancer” was just a word.
It was foreign, impersonal even.
I had tremendous compassion for those were affected by it, but I never truly understood.
However, my husband was diagnosed with testicular cancer last July,...
Recently I decided to start a social media challenge. I'm calling it: #NoSocialMediaSunday. As the hashtag suggests, this means I am doing my best (and inviting others!) to refrain from checking social media on Sundays. It's not that I...
There was once a time when the mention of a cloth diaper would be thought of as a joke. Cloth diapers are what some of our mothers used for us, so why would we turn to older times when...
I don't know about you, but I left my newborn a total of 5 times in her three and a half months of life. On all circumstances I fed her, ran out to do an errand, and ran back...