My family and I are brand new to San Diego, but not only that: we're brand new to beachside living. Okay, technically we're not living near the beach, but when the beach is practically in your backyard, we figured...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Crunchie Life, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own.  As a mom living in a progressive type of world where you can never do too much research when it comes to what...
It takes a village to raise a child. –African Proverb This quote has been ringing in my ear all weekend.  For the weekend, my sisters came to stay with me in my itty-bitty apartment. Normally, I wouldn’t be up for it,...
You're spoiling her. She needs to get used to it. Crying is good for their lungs. She has to get used to not being with you. As a mom, these are some of the things I hear from well-meaning family...
Stress. Anxiety. Depression. Do you struggle with any of these issues? Whether the struggle is mild or severe, the reasons vary between difficult situations and chemical imbalance. However, this post is not about the hows, the whys, nor the whats....
My husband and I will be celebrating our 10-year wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Thinking back on the last 10 years, (Actually 16, including the 6 years we dated) I realize how many ups and downs we have...
Being a mom is really hard. There isn’t one day that goes by that I don’t think this job is the toughest I’ve ever had. Of course I am in the trenches right now with a 1 year old and...
First off, if you are reading this title and thinking; A) "Accidental," just a gimmick to trick me into reading this. Or B) How the heck does one have an "accidental vacation"?? Well let me tell you, totally not a gimmick and it...
We have been working our tails off planning events for our readers, and are excited to announce what San Diego Moms Blog has in the works for the rest of the year!   The first event to unveil, will be our inagural MOM PROM!...
Hi friend, I miss you. It's hard when I don't get to see you as much as I used to. I remember my first pregnancy like it was yesterday. Not many of our friends had been down that road, so it...
Isn't everyone women's fairy tale, to eat whatever we want and not get fat?!? The problem with "dieting" is that food is DELICIOUS and temptations are everywhere! The trick to losing weight and keeping it off, is consistency and planning ahead!...
I am a full time mom, we all are. When I say full time, I don’t mean 9-5, I mean 24/7, even when I'm asleep, on vacation, on a date, all of the time. I am constantly worrying about every little...

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In + Around San Diego

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me: Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer

Meet Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, Mom + Owner, I-Orthodontics We are so grateful that Lindsay shared her story with us... "Hi I’m Lindsay, I’m an orthodontist and...