Do you practice Meatless Monday in your home? Or perhaps have a child with limited preferences to their palate? In the case of my daughter, she simply prefers to not eat meat. Recognizing the need to keep her meals...
Ready or not, back-to-school time is here. And if summer break in your house looked anything like ours, getting back into the routine of regular bedtimes, homework and early wake up calls can be a harsh reality…both for the...
Before you know it, Labor Day will be here! Here are 5 Labor-less Recipes to try this holiday weekend. Plus, when you shop at Smart & Final, you'll only need to make one trip, that's it.
Moms everywhere choose the First...
August 22nd is National Tooth Fairy Day!
The Tooth Fairy in 2022 hides a record-setting average of $5.36 per lost tooth under the pillow, according to the annual Original Tooth Fairy Poll®. That's an all-time high in the 24-year history of the...
Students (and parents) already have plenty to worry about at the start of a new school year. Unreliable or non-existent internet connections should be the LAST thing that hinders education. Yet, 15% of students in the U.S. struggle to...
Living in America’s finest city has its perks. Where...
Cooking with kids is a fantastic way to model healthy eating habits, teach about food, use math and counting skills, and teach kids to be self-sufficient. Below are 4 ways to involve your kids in the kitchen.
Dr. Natalie Muth,...
We love living in San Diego, but sometimes a change of pace does the mind and body good. We surveyed local Moms to compile a list of the best getaways you can get to in under 3 hours.
Use this...
There is nothing better than finding an activity that everyone can enjoy: families, friends, kids, and coworkers. Despite hearing how much fun escape rooms are, I had never been to one. So we set a date, invited some friends...
If traveling with your children on airplanes wasn't stressful enough, until now, apparently some airlines were charging additional fees to sit together. The Department of Transportation has released new guidelines regarding parents and kids under 13.
In response to complaints by...
When one of my best friends asked me to be in her wedding, I was thrilled. We grew up together so weddings were always a fun topic. From dresses to flowers to venues and themes, it’s no wonder that...
Whether your child is attending college for the first time or returning after summer break, the first day is just around the corner! During such an exciting and emotional time, estate planning probably isn't at the top of your...