We've all been cooking a lot lately. Like, a lot. Too much. More than I have ever cooked in my entire life. The kids are home all day and they are always hungry. But this mama is not in...

Pandemic Journaling

I've always loved writing. I wanted to be a writer before I ever wanted to be anything else. But, as is often the case, dreams shift and change. I have yet to become the novelist I've dreamed of. A few...
Never has the phrase “Mom So Hard” become so evident. This is true whether you’re a SAHM, a WFHM, or a mom who previously worked at an office but is now working from home. Nothing about this time is...
We all know self care is important, but while in quarantine and with kids home right now, it can be tricky. Resources are limited and quiet moments at home are far and few between, making self-care a non-priority for...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...