I'm a big fan of musicals. When I fall for one, I listen to the soundtrack over and over until I know the words by heart. Recently I've been crushing on 'The Greatest Showman,' and it's pretty kid-friendly, so...
As a working mom, life gets pretty busy. I am constantly trying to find the balance between #momlife, #wifelife, and #melife. So in this blog post I am focusing on, yep you guessed it, me. Me and my girlfriends, to...
Moms, the time for feeling guilty for any moment we chose to spend on ourselves is OVER. Society would have us to believe that our only value is our motherhood. Remember who you were before you became a mother? A...
The countdown is on – 7 weeks. 49 days. 1,176 hours. 69,120 mins.  7 weeks until our rainbow baby is due. 49 days until we go from a family of three to a family of four. 1,176 hours until my...
Do you want to know the secret to having it all? I’ll fill you in on the secret, because I have it all, and you do too. Now you may be thinking, “no, I most certainly do not have...
Moms of the 21st century have been slowly evolving.  We have come a long, LONG way from our moms of the century before us.  The societal mindset to do things so completely different from the way our moms and...
Moving Day can mean excitement, stress, anticipation, and exhaustion. But for me, it is more than that. How do I say goodbye to the house we brought you home to? We just sold our first home. It’s such an exciting milestone and...
Yes, you read that right. I live in San Diego and I hate going to the beach. To clarify, I don’t hate the actual beach. I actually really love it and would never want to live somewhere that doesn’t have...
I am a Lazy Mom and I'm proud of it!  Over time, I have mastered the ‘Art of Lazy,' and in this post I will share with you a couple of strategies that can help you master it too! I...
The hashtag ' Mompreneur ' has roughly 4.2 million posts on Instagram today. A 5-minute scroll is all it takes to see images of moms running their own businesses. From multi-level marketing to brick-and-mortar businesses, moms are crushing it...
As an adult, when do you know to give something up to be happy? It can be in the form of a job, a relationship or whatever is going on in your life. But at what point do you...
I can’t remember exactly when it happened, becoming “so busy.” A part of me feels like it’s always been this way, but I’m pretty sure it has not been. I love the feeling of the start of a new...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...