{9/25/18 - CBS News 8 feature on our amazing Mom Hacks & Helpers with Deanne Goodman, Brandy Kane, Reva Mody & Niki Jones} As moms, we are always being asked about our "secrets"--to looking good, feeling great, and just making... On Thursday, September 27th we went Facebook live at UC San Diego Center for Better Beginnings with expert Sonia Alvarado of MotherToBaby CA. We shared information and answered your questions about drinking alcohol during pregnancy, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, and other harmful...
As my daughter grows older, I've started to encounter new "parenting things" that you never learn from those "What to Expect" books. It seems like you can find a million pieces of information online about how to properly swaddle...
The first days back to school are filled with so many emotions: excitement, worry, happiness, tears, and nerves. No, I am not just talking about the children. I am talking to you, Mom. I see you. I know you’re nervous and...
From a cramped seat on an airplane squeezed between two toddlers, I’m at my first moment of peace and quiet in a long time. What has created such constant chaos in my life? The struggle as a working mom:...
Recently, a friend of mine asked in earnest, without a hint of judgment or sarcasm, why I was still Catholic. Although I have often faced challenges to my faith, I agree that these days it is a particularly good question....
Today is my youngest daughter’s first day of preschool. You would think having gone through this twice before that I would be prepared, but I’m not. Quite the opposite actually. After having two healthy, beautiful girls we were surprised after...
Four months postpartum, my hair started falling out. There was hair all over my bathroom and my hair suddenly had a really odd texture. After wearing it in a bun for a couple of weeks, I knew I needed to...
As a San Diego Mom, you can only go to the park or the beach so many times before you want to pull your hair out. The real challenge is finding other family favorite activities in your area that...
The San Diego Moms Blog is excited to announce our 3rd Annual Moms Night Out on Friday, October 19th from 7:00pm-10:30pm at Encore Event Center. Pick out your best party dress, (black is the color of the evening) and join...
I'm a big fan of musicals. When I fall for one, I listen to the soundtrack over and over until I know the words by heart. Recently I've been crushing on 'The Greatest Showman,' and it's pretty kid-friendly, so...
As a working mom, life gets pretty busy. I am constantly trying to find the balance between #momlife, #wifelife, and #melife. So in this blog post I am focusing on, yep you guessed it, me. Me and my girlfriends, to...

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2025 Signature Events Announced

Join San Diego Moms' at an Upcoming Event San Diego Moms’ events are designed with families in mind—bringing together fun, connection, and valuable resources all...
bunny bash

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer