Time for a MUCH-NEEDED School Resource Guide! Especially in San Diego!  With so many great choices from public school to private, religious to charter, online or homeschooling, San Diego Mom's Blog wants to help.  Choosing your child’s school is one...
Time for a MUCH-NEEDED School Resource Guide! Especially in San Diego!  With so many great choices from public school to private, religious to charter, online or homeschooling, San Diego Mom's Blog wants to help.  Choosing your child’s school is one...
Why is finding the right pediatrician for your kids important?  While pediatricians commonly treat children that are already sick, one of the most important duties of a pediatrician is to educate and guide parents on the importance of diet,...
This year’s flu season has been harsh in San Diego! The day after Christmas I began the unenviable task of cleaning the kitchen, doing laundry, and putting away the Christmas clutter. By the end of the day I was in...
Last year I started having anxiety when I saw unorganized drawers and closets in my house and I kept thinking that I should do something about it. I realized that every time I opened one of my messy drawers...
To the lady in Trader Joe’s Liberty Station that has 3 well-behaved kids in medical school, thank you for taking the time to point out my shortcomings and continuing your haughty glare as I left the store in tears, Maybe...
  If you're like me, every January gets me thinking about things I can change for the new year. Bad habits I want to break, things I want to improve on, goals I want to set. All my imperfections begin...
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past six months, you have heard about the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal in Hollywood. I know I have, and I'm not one to sit and watch the news or Entertainment...
Happy New Year!  It’s time for resolutions and promises to make this the year where we all get really organized. No more running late, not knowing what’s for dinner or forgetting birthdays. This is the year right? We can’t be perfect...
Whether you followed along with us during our first book club last year or not, we are launching it back up again for 2018. Last year was our first year, so we were learning as we went along. We quickly...
You know how sometimes you wake up with a brilliant idea? Yeah me either- until NOW! I woke up the other morning and decided that I did NOT want to make "New Years Goals" for 2018 this year.  In the past, I...
I got married with the expectation of having babies. I won’t say lots, but let’s just say my husband is one of nine and I am one of five kids, so having babies was something we both wanted from the...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...