
Motherhood with Depression

Chances are when you see the words depression and motherhood together you think of postpartum depression. While postpartum depression is devastating, (I’ve been there, I know) often the storm doesn't end there. My official diagnosis is bipolar 2 disorder and generalized anxiety...
Oh man, where do I even begin?  First off, let me tip a big hat to all the mamas out there who went back to work right after their maternity leave. Maybe you didn’t have a choice and had to...
It dawned on me recently that the drive home from school and subsequent hour after were getting grumpier. I’d read all sorts of advice on getting teenagers to talk about their day, but I have a 1st grader. I thought...
Four years ago, our oldest daughter was born 7 weeks prematurely and spent 17 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) before we were able to take her home. At the time, it was easily the hardest thing...
As adults, we generally have a harder time getting a good nights rest... because KIDS. However, there are other factors in play. Blue light.  This blue light phenomenon has actually disrupted our sleep in a number of ways. Wait... what is blue...
My stint as a stay at home mom has lasted 18 months so far, and soon it will be ending. My husband and I were looking at our finances and the forecast was revealing that I should return to...
This mama right here doesn’t like make up much, but I do enjoy trying new beauty products and experimenting at home with natural ingredients. I have been doing this for years and I have to say that I can...
When I tell people that I don't drink, and that I have never had a taste (or sip, or drop!) of alcohol in my entire life, it's usually followed by a "you're kidding, RIGHT?!" or "How do you survive?"...
We all do it. We scroll through social media and see a mom in the perfect matching outfit with her toddler or a mom putting the finishing touches on a three-tier birthday cake. We see the mom doing a fun,...
As a former teacher, and now mom of two toddlers, I know how well kids of all ages respond to positive reinforcement. However, even with the best of intentions, most of the positive reward systems we have set up...
Wether you haven't quite reached your 30's, or you have been here for a while- I hope this "guide" helps you navigate your 30's or at least laugh and nod your head along side me. And may I be the...
All year long your friend has stood by your side. You might text each other daily or just catch up when time permits but you know you have each other to count on. With Christmas approaching, you want to...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...