  Motherhood is such a funny thing. Similar to life, it seems like it goes so fast and so slow all at the same time. There have been moments in my motherhood journey where I couldn’t wait to get to...
Easter is coming up and that means egg hunts and Easter baskets. Easter baskets have seen a major upgrade since the old days when they were flimsy, pastel and packed with plastic grass. Walk through a Target these days and...
  Whew - Spring is finally here, everyone! I can't tell you how much Spring always seems to motivate me to clean, get organized and venture out more! This past weekend my little family joined up with our dear friends...
My daughter digs in the trash- well mostly the recycle bin- but it's not what you may think! She isn't searching for food or dumpster diving. My adorable little 8 year old, loves to do arts and crafts! She is...
Year after year, holiday after holiday, our families get us gifts, flowers, cards, etc. We absolutely appreciate the effort, thoughtfulness, and consideration. Even though the card and flowers you grabbed for us the morning of the special day are...
Bloom 2017: an event for new and expecting moms! We have been working behind the scenes for months on this amazing event for our San Diego mamas. Check each tab for info- and save the ticket link for when...
We had such an amazing time this year at Bloom! We want to thank our co-host sponsor, Gymboree, for allowing us to take over their space to make a beautiful event. We also want to thank all of our other...
  I just love birthday traditions. There is something so special about celebrating the same way year after year. One of our family’s favorite traditions is creating a birthday slideshow. Every year I compile pictures and videos to create a...
Before I had children I was on the fast track to getting my doctorate and excelling in my career. I spent more than a decade of my life working in management positions, and if I am being honest, I...
  "Her social media pictures are so staged!"  I actually heard those words recently. They weren't directed at me but they hit a nerve. How often have you seen pictures on Facebook or Instagram and thought 'yeah right'? Not guilty you say?...
Swap, Gift, or Sell before you Toss A great way to keep your clothes away from the landfill is to go to, or start, your own clothing swap. You have access to a great group right here in San Diego...
So. Here we are- exactly one year after we launched the San Diego Moms Blog on May 4th, 2016.   Happy Birthday to SDMB! If you have been with us since the beginning, thank you thank you thank you from the bottom...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...