Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching and even though this holiday may have been created for couples in love, our own kids enjoy celebrating it just as much as we do. Here is a list of some of our favorite...
  When it comes to holidays I like to give the gifts I give a personal touch. There is just something about handmade gifts that makes people feel warm and fuzzy. Valentine's Day is no exception! Some people might see...
 "I hate receiving a nice card in the mail", said no gal ever! Every now and again I’ll get a little surprise in the mail from a friend- it’s the freakin’ sweetest! To know you’re thought of, and that...
A few weeks ago I worked up the courage to try out macramé and much to my surprise, it was pretty easy and quick. So, if you invite me to your birthday party, you’ll likely be getting a plant...
In case you missed our Valentine's Craft Fair on February 11th, here's a re-cap of all the amazing vendors that we had! All images you see are from one of our own SDMB Photographer team members, Melissa Tara Photography. We know...
It's that time of the year . . . St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner on March 17th! The day when most of us scour our closets and jewelry boxes looking for anything with green. If you hurry,...
This post contains affiliate links to help keep our little site running!    Is anyone else excited about the Beauty and the Beast remake coming out this month? I love the classic animated film, and from the few scenes I have...
My daughter digs in the trash- well mostly the recycle bin- but it's not what you may think! She isn't searching for food or dumpster diving. My adorable little 8 year old, loves to do arts and crafts! She is...
  I just love birthday traditions. There is something so special about celebrating the same way year after year. One of our family’s favorite traditions is creating a birthday slideshow. Every year I compile pictures and videos to create a...
Lately I've been completely obsessed with KIND bars. Have you tried them? They are full of nutty yummy goodness! Some have dried fruit, others have chocolate or peanut butter. Yum! What's not to like? I'm not ashamed to admit it, I've...
I'm what you'd call a "sorta" semi-crunchy mama. I mean I'm only semi-crunchy, like, one-fourth of the time. My tot wears cloth diapers but usually only at home because I had one recent poo-fiasco in the car and I've...
There are so many items that go to waste in a baby’s first year of life. Think about all the diapers, wipes and food pouches that get tossed out every single day. Then there are the big items like...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...