Having Children Early VS Having Children Later In recent news, celebrities and tv hosts are celebrating having children well beyond child bearing years. Take for example Janet Jackson, she is 50...yes FIFTY...and having a baby! Savannah Guthrie of the Today...
My husband has uncanny timing when it comes to knocking me up. This is the third time I've been pregnant and the third time he's oh-so conveniently had a long stint away from home due to work. I can't...
Defending your family's health has become a 'thing'. If you fail to defend it, you very likely will be robbed of it. There is so much to learn, but much you can do TODAY! Disease is very often a result...
My first pregnancy was a little too perfect. I literally felt that "glow" people talk about, and I truly never felt more beautiful in my entire life. I've always been overweight, but when I was pregnant that first time...
Part one | Part two | Part three As the morning came to an end, with the last set of mamas getting their photos done- I couldn't help but be proud. The mission for the San Diego Moms Blog will...
  Motherhood is such a funny thing. Similar to life, it seems like it goes so fast and so slow all at the same time. There have been moments in my motherhood journey where I couldn’t wait to get to...
Bloom 2017: an event for new and expecting moms! We have been working behind the scenes for months on this amazing event for our San Diego mamas. Check each tab for info- and save the ticket link for when...
When I was young, I used to believe I wouldn't be able to have children. The fear sat inside me, but I didn't take chances. To my surprise, I never had issues getting pregnant; my pregnancies were healthy and easy,...
There are so many questions potential surrogates have when they are thinking about helping someone grow their family. To take some of the guess work out of it for you, our friends and experts at Positive Surrogacy are here...
I have been feeling for some time that we need a Mother's Manifesto to unite us because something somewhere has gone terribly wrong. Our children are sick. I am old enough to know that this was not always the...
Some of these links are affiliate links. By making a purchase through these links, you are supporting SDMB. Thank you! I am in the process of packing my second hospital bag, and this time around I don't want to miss...
Are you currently expecting a baby? Have you had a baby within the past year? Are you planning to grow your family soon? Then BLOOM is definitely for you! You won’t want to miss Bloom – a national event for new and expecting...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...