Tag: Christmas

Exercises of Gratitude: Three Easy Ways to Practice Gratitude with Your...

As we approach the holiday season, it's a great time for teaching our children exercises in gratitude. Understanding what it means to be grateful...

Grateful for the Impending Mayhem!

Yes, it’s that time of year. Again. Our favorite season to love and criticize. It starts with Thanksgiving. The joy, but also the annoyances. The...

How We Save $1,000 a Year for Christmas Without Even Trying

I am not good at saving. Like, not even a little bit. I'm the person that sees that e-mail saying "40% off today only!"...

Sips and Sweets with Santa is Back!

Our 4th Annual Sips & Sweets with Santa is back and set for Saturday, December 7th from 9AM-12PM at Green Flash Brewery. Get ready...

2019 November Events Guide – San Diego

The holiday season is upon us with so many fun events to kick off this joyous season.  Take a trip to one of the...

2019 Annual Holiday Gift Guide + 20 Days of Holiday Giveaways

Back by popular demand!! On November 15th we will be launching our annual Holiday Gift Guide as well as hosting our ever-so-popular 20 Days of...

San Diego Moms Recipe Submission

Thank you for submitting your favorite recipe with us and allowing us to share it with our community! Recipes will be published both on...

Holiday Aftermath—Now What? Life in the New Season

I have to admit, I'm kind of sad after New Year's Day. Most people take down their decorations. I know there are only a...

Fun Family Night Games That Got My Kids Off of their...

This past holiday season, my family and I  went through the usual hustle and bustle of parties, late nights wrapping presents while watching Christmas...

This Mama’s Take on New Years Resolutions

Perhaps for some of you, by now, New Years resolutions have lost their sparkle because of their notorious fail rate. I'm sure we've all...

Hey Momma – You Can Say NO to that Holiday Invite...

This time of year is hectic. It’s super fun, joyous and the best time of the year, as the song goes, but it’s also...

Happy Holidays from the San Diego Moms Blog!

All of the women who make up the San Diego Moms Blog team would like to say thank you and happy holidays. From our...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring is here, and San Diego is blooming with exciting events! 🌸 Your guide to all the seasonal fun is here with our Ultimate...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer