Tag: holiday

Holiday Party 2019: What to Wear!

Yes ladies and gents, it's that time of year when the holidays have once again snuck up on us. It also means Christmas and...

San Diego’s Finest Holiday Lights!

Guest Author: Kara Torrez is a local mom and realtor with Kelly & Kara Realty Team.

Sips and Sweets with Santa 2019: A Holiday Success!

For our 4th Annual Sips & Sweets with Santa we met on Saturday, December 7th from 9AM-12PM at Green Flash Brewery. It was the perfect...

Traditions on a Budget: 5 Free or Low-Cost Holiday Traditions to...

Family traditions can be part of what makes the holidays so special. There are so many wonderful holiday offerings, especially in America’s finest city....

Why Our Advent Calendar Is My Favorite Holiday Tradition

I have always had a fascination with advent calendars. My mom used to get the ones from Trader Joe's where you get a piece...

2019 San Diego Holiday Events Guide

The holiday season is upon us, with so many fun events to kick off this joyous time. We have put together a great list...

Black Friday Shopping — Ready, Set, Go!

No joke; I know some moms who basically view Black Friday as a contact sport. It gets a little nuts out there, people.  Personally, I...

{SPONSORED} Smart & Final: One-Stop-Shop for the Holidays

If you're like me, you're a chronic procrastinator. Holiday shopping until the last minute, organizing the menu, and don't get me started on the...

Apple Crisp | The Holiday Season has Arrived

Most of us grow up with a lineup of holiday traditions, and this year I’m implementing Bake Day! Whether it’s the cookie decorating, the...

Grateful for the Impending Mayhem!

Yes, it’s that time of year. Again. Our favorite season to love and criticize. It starts with Thanksgiving. The joy, but also the annoyances. The...

How We Save $1,000 a Year for Christmas Without Even Trying

I am not good at saving. Like, not even a little bit. I'm the person that sees that e-mail saying "40% off today only!"...

Sips and Sweets with Santa is Back!

Our 4th Annual Sips & Sweets with Santa is back and set for Saturday, December 7th from 9AM-12PM at Green Flash Brewery. Get ready...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring and Easter events in San Diego are in FULL bloom! 🌸  Spring in San Diego is a time of joy, celebration, and many...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer