Tag: san diego moms

Six Courses Every Parent Should Take with ParentEducate.com (Sponsored)

Let's be real for a minute. Parenting is HARD. The first step to becoming a better mom or dad is to admit that it's...

Halloween Events In and Around San Diego

As the end of October arrives, the activities and events happening in San Diego are thrilling!  Hosting a Halloween event? Add it to our calendar...

{RECAP} Family Safety Day Presented by CPCMG

We are so grateful to all the vendors and families who came out and participated in our 2nd Annual Family Safety Day. The event was...

Moms that Play Mido Lotto Together, Stay Together {SPONSORED}

I don't play the lottery often, but when I did play, I was always chipping in on a lottery ticket with my co-workers. So...

School Lunches Made Easy with Smart & Final (SPONSORED)

Packing school lunches day in and day out can be a daunting and expensive task, but when you shop at Smart & Final you...

Play the Lottery without a Trip to the Store with the...

Moms can certainly agree that curbside pickup and delivery services, for practically anything, were definitely positive outcomes from the pandemic.  Since children take approximately...

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me Spotlight: Kara...

Meet Kara Lee, CoFounder & Creative Director for The Well Community for Women Kara, we are so grateful you decided to share your story with us....

Party & Event Planning Guide {San Diego}

You name it - MOMS plan it - Birthdays, Graduations, Date Nights, Family Reunions & Outings, Baby Showers, Anniversaries, Sports Banquets, Religious Events, School...

SD Moms Approve & Kids Love this Summer Camp! [Sponsored Post]

If you are looking for something filled with science, technology, and fun, Hands on Technology's in-person or virtual Tech Adventure Camps are the...

Make a Difference This Summer With Smart & Final [SPONSORED]

Summer is right around the corner and San Diego is coming in hot with these temperatures! I absolutely love hosting and hearing all the laughter...

Bring Music Fun to Summer Classes! Join Mission: DJ {Sponsored}

Summer is upon us! Despite ALL of our collective joy that this insane 2nd year of pandemic and online learning is finally over, we...

{SPONSORED} Fandory Factory is #SDMApproved

San Diego Moms has given the family-friendly co-work space Fandory Factory located in Rancho Bernardo, San Diego its coveted stamp of approval! #SDMApproved We all...

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In + Around San Diego

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

We are SO excited to host our inaugural Bunny Bash + Easter Basket Donation Drive event benefiting Anvil of Hope on Sunday, April 13...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer