Tag: travel

Top 10 Travel Must-Haves For Air Travel, Baby Style! {Guest Post}

Five years ago almost to the day, I found out that we were having a little boy. As it happens with “soon to be”...

Prep for Holiday Travel with These Tips from Your Mechanic! {Plus...

It's here! The busiest time of year starts this week with various types of travel to see our families during this Thanksgiving week! If you...

“I Don’t Know How You Do It” Thoughts From a Military...

---> "If I had $1 for every time I've heard someone say, "I don't know how you do it," during the decade I've been a military spouse, let's just say we could probably afford a house much closer to the ocean." Some thoughts from our sweet writer Jessica. Can any of you military spouses out there relate?

5 Tips You Didn’t Think of When Traveling with Baby

Traveling with babies can be very challenging, even more so when you travel by yourself. This mama right here has been on nine different...

Friends: The 4 Friends Every Mom Needs

We are moms and we need friends. However, our friendship needs have changed since children entered our lives. Our circles have become smaller and more intentional....

Remembering September 11th, My Story

September 11th, 2001   I am doing my best to sleep in, when I am awakened by my younger sister and a phone. I’m in an unfamiliar place,...

Traveling with Baby: Tips for on the Road and in the...

My parents have been planning an RV road trip from San Diego to Seattle for months. My niece is turning 2 and I wanted...

Last Summer, I Ran Away

Last summer, I was in desperate need of alone time and adventure so I ran away. I received a call from my lifelong friend, Laurie, who...

Best. Accidental. Staycation. Ever.

First off, if you are reading this title and thinking; A) "Accidental," just a gimmick to trick me into reading this. Or B) How the heck does...

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In + Around San Diego

2025 Signature Events Announced

Join San Diego Moms' at an Upcoming Event San Diego Moms’ events are designed with families in mind—bringing together fun, connection, and valuable resources all...
bunny bash

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer