Taking family photos can be really stressful. Picking out coordinating outfits, choosing an affordable photographer and convincing toddlers to cooperate are just a few of the stressful details you have to think about. However, if all of the stars...
Yes- we realize that there's many San Diego bucket lists out there- but this bucket list is comprised of "must-do San Diego" activities and more from our team of writers! It may not be likely that you check off every...
As a first time mom, I often held my baby in my arms but rarely held her in an actual baby carrier. I was given a carrier at my baby shower but only used it a handful of times....
Traveling with babies can be very challenging, even more so when you travel by yourself. This mama right here has been on nine different airplanes (several being overseas and by myself) with baby this year so far. Here are 5...
Last summer I had one of those days that just rattles you as mom! It started as a perfect Southern California summer day. My family just finished a day at the beach and were headed up to the pool...
I've never been much of a cook and I find trying to prepare a meal with a young child standing between my legs to be almost as fun as breastfeeding a teething baby. I've become somewhat of a lazy chef and resort...
Like many things that come our way along this parenting road, here I am at a fork in it. Do I make my kid go to summer school to "stay with the group", or do I let my kid get...
  "Her social media pictures are so staged!"  I actually heard those words recently. They weren't directed at me but they hit a nerve. How often have you seen pictures on Facebook or Instagram and thought 'yeah right'? Not guilty you say?...
We hope all of our readers know that feedback from local San Diego moms is extremely important to us. We work around the clock to bring moms in the San Diego area resources, guides, giveaways, mom groups, events and information...
My husband and I can spot a first-time parent pretty much in an instant. We look at them with their exhausted eyes, frazzled hair, and overall what-the-heck-am-I-doing look on their face. They're the ones with the shopping cart covers...
We had such an amazing time this year at Bloom! We want to thank our co-host sponsor, Gymboree, for allowing us to take over their space to make a beautiful event. We also want to thank all of our other...
Summer is upon us! And whether we are ready for it or not, it's time to enjoy our San Diego Summer! We have lined up all the events that we could possibly find for you to enjoy this June....

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In + Around San Diego

2025 Signature Events Announced

Join San Diego Moms' at an Upcoming Event San Diego Moms’ events are designed with families in mind—bringing together fun, connection, and valuable resources all...
bunny bash

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer