Dear Mom going through a divorce, This event does not define you. I'll repeat that - this event does not define you. You are more than your divorce. A full life awaits you, regardless of your past and the pain that you...
My stint as a stay at home mom has lasted 18 months so far, and soon it will be ending. My husband and I were looking at our finances and the forecast was revealing that I should return to...
What more could a girl want for her 10 year anniversary than a delicious (hot!) meal and some fabulous shopping?? Not much, at least for me! My hubby and I celebrated our TEN year anniversary last week and we...
When was the last time you heard someone say their husband is a great person, an extraordinary person? Now when was the last time you heard someone say their husband is lazy, inattentive, selfish and distant? The latter is...
Tis with life, no one plans to be a "Single Mom", but it happens. Eventually, some of us decide or get pushed into what comes next. That next step into the scary dating world. Along with everything else, we adapt...
When you've been married for 4 years, together for 8, romance is naturally not that same as it once was when we were falling in love. To me, falling in love and being in love are two very different...
During the day I am a mom to 4 kids, and a great wife to my husband, if I do say so myself! I am the chef, the housekeeper, queen of the DVR, homeworker helper, and I play so...
I've been married for 7 years, and having children definitely changed my marriage. Let me tell you how: I spend less time on my personal appearance. I remember spending hours looking for the right outfit to greet my hardworking man....
Hey there loner mom, shy mom, and introverted mom. I see you. I am like you. I am the one who has an hour-long conversation with myself debating whether to go to an event or not. I am the one who can’t seem...
Life is so chaotic at times, and it seems like the more time passes, the quicker life flies by. With social media constantly on our phones, the television on at dinner time and the news on first thing in...
“You need to really see someone about your anxiety and depression.”  I was seeing my doctor for my yearly physical, and he was a new doctor for me. He was a man that resembled my grandfather - short and stout,...
I suffer from daily anxieties contributing to what I believe to be mild depression.  The cause: Worrying about my dad. Not only about him in his own dreary world of depression, but I worry about how he will affect my...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...