Girlfriends . . . an important ingredient in the recipe of life.  I LOVE meeting new friends. You always need someone new in your life, whether it is a friend or partner. But having friends, who you have known for...
Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  I can't tell you how much this simple yet powerful word has carried me through life. Yes, there is faith, determination, strength and other words, but hope...
I have been so hesitant to write anything on this topic, even though it has become my new normal. Hesitant because I have firsthand experienced feelings and emotions getting the best of me and in the moment, you don't always express...

To Love

As a little girl growing up, we all dream of our dream wedding. We have our Barbies marrying Ken. We memorize our own wedding vows. And as we get older, we go through relationships trying to find that Ken from...
From a cramped seat on an airplane squeezed between two toddlers, I’m at my first moment of peace and quiet in a long time. What has created such constant chaos in my life? The struggle as a working mom:...
As a working mom, life gets pretty busy. I am constantly trying to find the balance between #momlife, #wifelife, and #melife. So in this blog post I am focusing on, yep you guessed it, me. Me and my girlfriends, to...
Today is an exciting day at my house... I think. It's retirement day!!! My husband is retiring after nearly 40 years in the workforce. And, while we survived 25 years of marriage and all the trials and tribulations of that...
My husband and I tend to catch a lot of grief and strange stares from others about our decision to not allow our 16-year-old to date until the age of 18. We've even had people laugh in our faces...

Victim Shaming is Real.

People wonder why victims, whether it being domestic violence or sexual assault, don't come forward when the incident occurs. Well, let me tell you: There are a million reasons! Each victim has their own reasons. BUT, I can speak...
What if I told you that your weekly meal prep could be as easy as a brief meeting and a few mouse clicks? Get a personal luxury experience with Plated With Purpose. Your membership comes with a 15-minute consultation with...
All of the women who make up the San Diego Moms Blog team would like to say thank you and happy holidays. From our families to yours, across San Diego County, we wish you a peaceful and reflective goodbye...
Bloom 2019! We are excited to announce for the 3rd year in a row, in partnership with City Moms Blog, an event for new and expecting moms! We have been working behind the scenes for months on this amazing event...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...