Looking Back... Do you ever have those moments as a mom where you just stop and think, “why the heck did I decide to have kids?” Maybe it is a cliche question to ask yourself, but these last few months I...
The Constant Worry There is a part of me that constantly worries that I’m 32 and haven’t accomplished enough with my life. I think about how my life doesn’t look how I thought it would when I was younger. I...
The San Diego Moms Blog moms who work daily to inform, connect and serve the parents of San Diego are thrilled to announce our new name – San Diego Moms! Why? Because we do SO much more than blogging here...
Keeping young kids entertained at home can be a daily challenge. I am constantly trying to come up with enriching activities to get through the weekdays. As the hours of daylight extend and the weather warms, outdoor fun wins...
Today we wake up in a world on pause. The sense of urgency that filled our lives has ceased.  Don't forget what you feel in this moment. Write it down, take a picture, make the video—but whatever you do, don't...
We've all been cooking a lot lately. Like, a lot. Too much. More than I have ever cooked in my entire life. The kids are home all day and they are always hungry. But this mama is not in...
It’s not uncommon for a woman to feel as if she’s drowning in stress. As this article from Psychology Today points out, many psychologists would cite a combination of impossible and incompatible ideals of work and home with a...
The clouds have parted and the sun is out again. We may not be able to hit the beaches like we normally would, but that doesn't mean we are spending all of our time indoors. As moms, we spend...
Since "sheltering in place" went into effect last month, I haven't been venturing out for groceries. Instead, I have turned to online grocery shopping. However, this has proved difficult, as snagging a confirmed grocery delivery order has become like...
As a mom to six kids and always on the go, I have to stay organized and rely on schedules. This is key in making sure each day runs fairly smoothly for our large family. However, since the  COVID-19...
Parenting is hard. Yep, I just admitted it. It’s especially hard when you’re a single parent. That was the environment I grew up in, a single-parent household. Although my mom was constantly stressed, I hardly knew it. However, the...
In between all of the negative news stories flooding our feeds, I have been really impressed with how much we’ve all come together. I’ve noticed it in my workplace, my family and friends, and my community. There is something...

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In + Around San Diego

Kids FREE October: Your Ultimate Guide!

Kids FREE October Starts Today! This month, kids 12 and under can enjoy FREE admission with a paid adult at over 50 of San Diego...