A few weeks ago, my family and I went to the fair. At one point during our day, we decided we would attempt some stroller naps with our kids. My husband was pushing the stroller around while I stopped...
Disclosure:: This post is sponsored by Well Planned Gal, but as always, the opinions expressed in this post are our own. I am a homeschooling- work at home- soccer coach- mom with a NECESSARY schedule put into place. Without some sort...
As Summer is coming to a close, and the kids are all going back to school, now is a great time to look back and reflect on our Summer and all the fun memories that we have made. It's hard to...
As summer is coming to a close, all the camps are wrapping up, and all our stores have busted out their best "Back to School" sales, my feelings start to turn to sadness. Though I may be wrong, I feel...
Scootering. It's a thing. Especially in San Diego. Who knew?! I certainly didn't until 2 months ago. In fact, my 2 teenage boys and ten year old son often discuss their favorite you tubers. Still, I had zero idea...
In honor of August being Breastfeeding Awareness month, I would like to share my story of the first time I nursed my daughter in public. As a first time mom, this whole world is new to me. My daughter...
Great moms have dirty dishes. Great moms have beds that aren’t made. Great moms have dust on the furniture.   Did I also mention that great moms sometimes forget to put on make up or put that last load of laundry in the...
This week we are linking up with Anaheim, Sonoma County, and San Francisco Moms Blogs as we take you up the Pacific Coast Highway for our favorite family-friendly stops. Whether you are visiting California, or you live here in San...
*Not "ode" as in poem, but "ODE" as in, Online Display of Emotion for our libraries. Thank You, San Diego County Libraries! Where would we be without you, San Diego County Libraries (SDCL)? Maybe HOT, roasting at home? Thank you for being...
My parents divorced when I was eight years old. When I was given the opportunity to work in Family Law, not only did I learn quickly about the process, but I drew from my personal experience to help our...
It’s 1:40am and I just climbed back into bed after nursing our son back to sleep for the 3rd time since we put him down at eight. I noticed you’re awake enough to roll back into your slumber, when...
Before I became pregnant I had never heard the word “doula,” but once I was expecting I was frequently asked if I’d be hiring one. DOULA: a woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth and who may...

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In + Around San Diego

Ultimate Guide to Easter and Spring Events in San Diego

🌸 Spring and Easter events in San Diego are in FULL bloom! 🌸  Spring in San Diego is a time of joy, celebration, and many...

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer