
Tag: kids

Making Christmas Memorable with Experiential Gifts

This year we'll be celebrating our baby's first Christmas and I want it to be special but at the same time I don't want...

What Potty Training Taught Me About Parenting

I remember when it was time to start potty training our oldest daughter. She had been showing a lot of the “signs” that she...

Embracing The Teal Pumpkin Project

My family is really into Halloween, I look forward to this holiday all year long. I love Halloween because everyone can participate! It's a fun...

1st Annual SDMB Halloween Costume Photo Contest!

It's time for Halloween!  One of our favorite times of year! Getting dressed up to go out and eat all the candy sounds like a...

DIY Kids Apple Totes :: Perfect Fall Craft

Did you go apple picking this year and have too many apples? Not enough time to eat them all or figure out how to...

Spaghetti Tacos and 20 Ideas for a Carefree Childhood

Last night, my 10 year old ran into my bedroom to share an exciting idea. "Mom", he began with anticipation, "I really want spaghetti tacos for...

Things My Kid(s) Cried About This Summer: San Diego Edition

As Summer is coming to a close, and the kids are all going back to school, now is a great time to look back and...

An Ode To Our Public Libraries

*Not "ode" as in poem, but "ODE" as in, Online Display of Emotion for our libraries. Thank You, San Diego County Libraries! Where would we be...

I Hope I Remember :: Thoughts on Motherhood

Being a mom is really hard. There isn’t one day that goes by that I don’t think this job is the toughest I’ve ever had....

Camp Fun For the Kids- Mommy Camp 2016!

It’s been a year since I made the decision to leave my stressful job to be a stay at home mom. The timing was...

The Best Free Adventure: Learn to Love the Library This Summer

One of my very favorite memories from my childhood is walking to the library every summer to sign up for the Summer Reading Program....

The Craziest Thing We Ever Did

Last summer we were invited to a wedding in Northern California. I somehow convinced my husband that it would be a lot of “fun”...

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In + Around San Diego

2024 San Diego Pumpkin Patch Guide

Bring on the pumpkins, and all things fall! Our annual San Diego Pumpkin Patch Guide is here! In San Diego, the change of season doesn't...