Have You Heard About SoCal's Hidden Gem? Temecula's Big Horse Corn Maze and Fall Festival... If you hurry, you can still make it this year!
My family and I recently all drove to Temecula, from different SoCal cities, for...
Wondering where to find a family-friendly brewery in San Diego County?
San Diego Beer Moms recently had their first craft beer meet up and what a great time we had! Moms of all ages, both with kids and without, met...
It was only the 2nd or 3rd week of school and my son got in the car and proudly said "I played with "John" today!" Immediately my mama heart swelled, (I'd like to blame the fact that I am...
#metoo, but not in the workplace or school.
That is not what this post is about. This is about the bystanders, one that saved me and one that did not protect me. The man who stood by and said nothing...
Last month I wrote about keeping our children's artwork.
It's so hard to pick what to keep, but that's why we have to let them give input. Their artwork, after all, is a gift to us. They might not have the words...
We are so lucky to have a wide variety of family fun events to do in San Diego! In addition to so many other things happening this weekend- there is a very special and very spectacular event happening that...
I recently had to classify what kind of mom I am. Was I a crunchy or a helicopter mom? Am I a hands on or totally laid back mama?
Basically I had to put a name on my particular parenting...
It's time for Halloween! One of our favorite times of year! Getting dressed up to go out and eat all the candy sounds like a good time always! We're excited for our second year of this contest!
San Diego Moms Blog...
I am not OCD, I just like my stuff, right where it belongs.
If I put it down, I want it to be there when I go back later to pick it up.
Is nothing sacred? HEAVEN FORBID...
Dear Mom going through a divorce,
This event does not define you.
I'll repeat that - this event does not define you. You are more than your divorce. A full life awaits you, regardless of your past and the pain that you...
It is well known how fast kids grow, and I like the idea of saving money on clothes, especially when they are just going to use it for a couple of months. I enjoy going to baby resales and finding cute...
It's officially October and much like you; I have Halloween on the brain. As a mother of 4 children; 3 boys and a girl, ranging in age from 13-3, here are a few thoughts judgements on Halloween 2017.
First, let's address the...