My husband and I can spot a first-time parent pretty much in an instant. We look at them with their exhausted eyes, frazzled hair, and overall what-the-heck-am-I-doing look on their face. They're the ones with the shopping cart covers...
Traveling with babies can be very challenging, even more so when you travel by yourself. This mama right here has been on nine different airplanes (several being overseas and by myself) with baby this year so far. Here are 5...
As a first time mom, I often held my baby in my arms but rarely held her in an actual baby carrier. I was given a carrier at my baby shower but only used it a handful of times....
Does this sound familiar? You've had it with your baby getting ear infections or fluid in the ears, and the crying and misery that comes with it. You've tried multiple rounds of antibiotics, all different kinds, including oral and topical....
I grew up with all boys, but was never really interested in superheroes. Somehow I still ended up marrying one. My husband is a superhero with a seemingly endless list of abilities and powers.     His superhero powers only multiplied when...
Watching a movie with a baby is not easy! It's especially more difficult at the movie theatre when you are trying to calm your fussy baby. You can already feel the judgmental eyes coming down on your decisions to...
  My traveling baby girl and I are getting ready for an 11 hour long flight overseas in August, so I am always thinking of different activities and ways to make traveling easier. I learn something new every time...
Raise your hand if you love mom hacks! Below, our writer Rachel put together some of the San Diego Moms Blog teams top hacks. Check them out and let us know some of your money/time saving mom hacks in the comments below.
Do you remember the days of complete independence?
Which of you are "going back to school" and can relate?
It is well known how fast kids grow, and I like the idea of saving money on clothes, especially when they are just going to use it for a couple of months. I enjoy going to baby resales and finding cute...
We all do it. We scroll through social media and see a mom in the perfect matching outfit with her toddler or a mom putting the finishing touches on a three-tier birthday cake. We see the mom doing a fun,...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...