When it came to preparing cakes and pastries for family and friends, no one spent more time looking up Pinterest recipes and baking them to "perfection" than me. Although I am a complete amateur home baker,  I have spent countless...
It's that time of the year . . . St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner on March 17th! The day when most of us scour our closets and jewelry boxes looking for anything with green. If you hurry,...
I've never been much of a cook and I find trying to prepare a meal with a young child standing between my legs to be almost as fun as breastfeeding a teething baby. I've become somewhat of a lazy chef and resort...
I'm what you'd call a "sorta" semi-crunchy mama. I mean I'm only semi-crunchy, like, one-fourth of the time. My tot wears cloth diapers but usually only at home because I had one recent poo-fiasco in the car and I've...
Mexican Aguas Frescas are among my favorite things to make during the summer. They are refreshing on a hot day by the pool, easy to make, and accompany any grilled meal. As a child, some of my favorite memories were...
Drool. Every avocado lovers dream is right here in this post. 25 things to do with avocados is just 25 more reasons to love them!
In the mood for some pancakes? Try out these healthy alternatives for a yummy breakfast!
Sunday nights usually include a glass of wine at my house once my daughter is in bed for the night. I head back to the kitchen to wrap up any more culinary duties and occasionally crave something sweet to go...
Spanish sangria is one of the easiest drinks to make and you can personalize it depending on if you want it more or less sweet, fruity or strong. I am from Spain so I am very picky with sangria...
Was getting more real food into your family dinner a New Year's resolution? I know you are busy. I know you have littles. But, I also know that there are many families who have made the change to mostly real...
Not that we need to make it an actual holiday to enjoy a margarita, BUT, today is National Margarita Day! I would be doing a disservice to you as our readers if I didn't share some delicious recipes to...
In the last two years, my family and I have done two Whole30 programs and we have learned so much about nutrition and our bodies. If you aren't familiar with Whole30, it is basically an experiment to learn which foods...

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In + Around San Diego

4th of July: San Diego Events, Viewpoints & Fireworks Displays

Millions of people would agree that San Diego is THE spot to be in summer, which means snagging a good spot to view the...