As our youngest baby turned 2 years old, the conversation with my husband seemed to open up about wanting another baby. Was the timing right? Was it the right fit for our family? I thought about all of these things...
My parents divorced when I was eight years old. When I was given the opportunity to work in Family Law, not only did I learn quickly about the process, but I drew from my personal experience to help our...
It’s 1:40am and I just climbed back into bed after nursing our son back to sleep for the 3rd time since we put him down at eight. I noticed you’re awake enough to roll back into your slumber, when...
Before I became pregnant I had never heard the word “doula,” but once I was expecting I was frequently asked if I’d be hiring one. DOULA: a woman who is trained to assist another woman during childbirth and who may...
Hey you! I am talking to you. You, mom, right there. I see you. I know you, all about you. And guess what? I get it. And its okay. I appreciate you. I see you wake up everyday, either by an alarm,...
Stress. Anxiety. Depression. Do you struggle with any of these issues? Whether the struggle is mild or severe, the reasons vary between difficult situations and chemical imbalance. However, this post is not about the hows, the whys, nor the whats....
My husband and I will be celebrating our 10-year wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. Thinking back on the last 10 years, (Actually 16, including the 6 years we dated) I realize how many ups and downs we have...
Hi friend, I miss you. It's hard when I don't get to see you as much as I used to. I remember my first pregnancy like it was yesterday. Not many of our friends had been down that road, so it...
After Oscar and I became parents, (while still attending SDSU) our evenings started to revolve more around videotaping our daughter, Isabella learning how to roll over, and less about partying. We had been best friends for years and our relationship...
My loving husband, I will never outgrow you. A lot has changed since we were first married. Back then we seemed to agree about almost everything... we were both on the "same page." Foolishly I thought it would always be...
There is no shortage of hospital bag lists on Pinterest and blogs. After comparing several and seeing many of the same items on the “must bring” lists, I packed my hospital bag 5 weeks in advance of my due...
Sometimes I feel guilty for being a stay at home mom. My kids are not infants, and I've always worked in fast-paced and high-stress positions. The "lull" during the day when the kids are gone make me wonder if...

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In + Around San Diego

As Strong As The Mother Next To Me: Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer

Meet Dr. Lindsay Pfeffer, Mom + Owner, I-Orthodontics We are so grateful that Lindsay shared her story with us... "Hi I’m Lindsay, I’m an orthodontist and...