In this day and age, everyone is so focused on connecting through cell phones and social media, we sometimes fail to "connect" in real life. As a parent of teens who recently acquired cell phones, on top of the other devices...
This past fall, my daughter started pre-school and you can imagine the excitement of picking out school clothes, researching hair tutorials and tediously picking out the perfect backpack. It was all too exciting. Each day was filled with so much anticipation....
  I thought it was a myth. I thought my sweet, innocent little girl with her big beautiful brown eyes would never do it. But it happened. There I was standing in the middle of Target with my toddler and wearing...
Sometimes I feel guilty for being a stay at home mom. My kids are not infants, and I've always worked in fast-paced and high-stress positions. The "lull" during the day when the kids are gone make me wonder if...
I never thought that I would be “that person” who had a hard time getting pregnant. My sister sneezes and gets pregnant. So when my husband and I started trying to have a baby and things weren’t happening like I...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by CoSchedule, but as always, all opinions expressed are our own.  As a work at home-homeschooling mom, I find it incredibly hard to find the magic formula to finding balance in my life. With...
Wether you haven't quite reached your 30's, or you have been here for a while- I hope this "guide" helps you navigate your 30's or at least laugh and nod your head along side me. And may I be the...
The end is near and all the typical pregnancy things have happened– my body, skin, energy levels and physical capabilities have all changed. I understand it’s part of the process and I’m not fighting it. However, when a friend...
There is no shortage of hospital bag lists on Pinterest and blogs. After comparing several and seeing many of the same items on the “must bring” lists, I packed my hospital bag 5 weeks in advance of my due...
Motherhood is amazing. I have been a mother for about four months now, and it is the best thing that ever happened to me. I've embraced the mom bun, accepted that certain articles of clothing may never make it...
Last summer we were invited to a wedding in Northern California. I somehow convinced my husband that it would be a lot of “fun” to take our family on a road trip exploring the coast of California on our...
I love a good list. In fact, I like to joke that lists are my unofficial love language. I also love summer. About six years ago, I decided it was time to combine the two and make the ultimate...

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In + Around San Diego

4th of July: San Diego Events, Viewpoints & Fireworks Displays

Millions of people would agree that San Diego is THE spot to be in summer, which means snagging a good spot to view the...