The San Diego Moms Blog is excited to announce our 3rd Annual Moms Night Out on Friday, October 19th from 7:00pm-10:30pm at Encore Event Center. Pick out your best party dress, (black is the color of the evening) and join...
Girlfriends . . . an important ingredient in the recipe of life.  I LOVE meeting new friends. You always need someone new in your life, whether it is a friend or partner. But having friends, who you have known for...
Have you ever heard of a "Favorite Things" party/gift exchange? Some of my favorite things to do around the holidays are hosting parties, getting together with friends and of course giving and receiving gifts. This favorite things party combines...
Every year, the San Diego Moms Blog team gets together at the end of the year to celebrate the Holiday season. We love to be together, since the majority of the time we are only communicating online. It's so...
In case you missed it: here's a recap of our Mummies Night Out 2017 event! The details: When: Friday, October 20, 2017 from 7:00 PM – 10:30 PM Where: San Diego Children's Discovery Museum Who: Mummies and their best ghouls joined us for this...
Mummies Night Out is almost here!  Here is a run down of everything you will find at Mummies Night Out (our second annual Moms Night Out!). Your general admission ticket will include entrance into the event where you can enter a...
When's the last time you had a staycation in San Diego? Hotel Karlan is a MUST if you want to have a relaxing stay with a group of girlfriends or your significant other.
We are continuing on in our "San Diego" series with Pacific Beach! Pacific Beach may have a reputation as party central, but have no fear! There are several family friendly gems both on and away from the well traveled paths of this popular tourist...
I always love a food adventure. In fact, I love to search for top local spots for various foods. Last summer, my obsession was to find San Diego's best acai bowls. My acai adventures created great opportunities to meet up with...
We are moms and we need friends. However, our friendship needs have changed since children entered our lives. Our circles have become smaller and more intentional. Time is one of our most valuable commodities and we are now purposeful in how...
Yes, 'adult bonding' is a thing! As we get older it seems more difficult to make new friends or find love interests. But it doesn't have to be, if you have a plan and a little insight.   Because of a...
In case you missed our Moms Pampered Night Out, brought to you by Our Family Spa- we just wanted to fill you in on the details! On February 24th at 7:30 pm, our guests had a wonderful night of pampering-...

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In + Around San Diego

The San Diego Summer Camp Every Kid (and Parent) Loves

With summer fast approaching, many parents are searching for the perfect camp, and if you want a flexible, all-inclusive, and child-led experience, Steve &...
bunny bash

Bunny Bash Tickets On Sale

Moms Love Giving Back + Beer