Scootering. It's a thing. Especially in San Diego. Who knew?! I certainly didn't until 2 months ago. In fact, my 2 teenage boys and ten year old son often discuss their favorite you tubers. Still, I had zero idea...
San Diego has become a foodie favorite and boasts some of the most gorgeous scenic views in the nation.  However, when parents of young children want to indulge their inner foodie, they have unique priorities in picking a breakfast destination.  For example,...
As Summer is coming to a close, and the kids are all going back to school, now is a great time to look back and reflect on our Summer and all the fun memories that we have made. It's hard to...
Last night, my 10 year old ran into my bedroom to share an exciting idea. "Mom", he began with anticipation, "I really want spaghetti tacos for dinner this week!" My initial thought was: Absolutely NOT! My second thought was: Where in the world...
While shopping for back to school supplies with my daughter, we couldn’t help but be excitedly distracted by the newly set up display of Halloween and fall decorations. It was 90 degrees outside, yet here was a huge reminder...
There are so many events going on in Temecula for the fall, so we will compile them here in their own post! Keep checking back throughout the fall for updates on events that we will add as they happen! Temecula...
Congratulations and welcome to motherhood! Being pregnant can be such a joyful time, full of new changes and decisions. One of the biggest decisions you will have to make is where you will deliver your new bundle of joy. Your choices here...
It's here, it's here! September means that we are closer then ever to fall in San Diego! Bring on the pumpkins and all things fall! (nevermind that it's still 90 something degrees out.) Not only do we have a Fall...
Is your artist's masterpieces cluttering up the whole house? Here's how to do some damage control without forgetting about your child's artwork!
My name is Elisa and I am a mom of a TEEN girl. GASP! I know, I know, I tried avoiding it as much as I could but she became a teen anyways. Gone are the days of Barbies and...
It’s (finally) September, so I am finally allowed to write about one my favorite things- pumpkin spice. Every year I get excited when fall finally rolls around because it means pumpkin spice everything will soon be arriving at my local...
My oldest daughter has two dads, she always talks about how lucky she is to have two. She has her dad- her biological dad, and my husband- her step dad. In today's world this isn't an uncommon thing. In fact it's...

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In + Around San Diego

A Guide to San Diego Splash Pads

There's no denying it, most children love splash pads, and us mamas LOVE how easy they are - it's a win-win! You can leave...