It’s 1:40am and I just climbed back into bed after nursing our son back to sleep for the 3rd time since we put him down at eight. I noticed you’re awake enough to roll back into your slumber, when...
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Crunchie Life, but as always, the thoughts expressed are our own.  As a mom living in a progressive type of world where you can never do too much research when it comes to what...
Hey you! I am talking to you. You, mom, right there. I see you. I know you, all about you. And guess what? I get it. And its okay. I appreciate you. I see you wake up everyday, either by an alarm,...
Many times our experiences can change our minds about things. Of course, it is important to share and yes, I teach my son to share. However, I don't make him give up what he is doing to share. I had...
My parents divorced when I was eight years old. When I was given the opportunity to work in Family Law, not only did I learn quickly about the process, but I drew from my personal experience to help our...
What's better then having a Moms Night Out pre-screening event showing the movie Bad Moms? Nothing! Nothing at all! Last nights event was nothing short of an absolute blast. When I started working with the Vice President of marketing through UltraStar...
Are you tired of taking the kids on grocery shopping trips with you? Are you too busy to fit grocery shopping on your schedule for the day? Are you tired of waiting in grocery store lines? Are you tired of trying to find a spot...
Last summer, I was in desperate need of alone time and adventure so I ran away. I received a call from my lifelong friend, Laurie, who asked if I would like to venture North for a bit of excitement and celebration. My friend...
A few years back, brewery hopping and tasting craft beer had become me and my husband's favorite weekend activity together. ‘Gluten free’ was not even a 'thing' yet. Then, I quit beer. I had to do it. I realized the...
We know that August is just one of those months where we are all preparing for back to school and bringing Summer to an end. In case you do need a few things to do before that all happens,...
*Not "ode" as in poem, but "ODE" as in, Online Display of Emotion for our libraries. Thank You, San Diego County Libraries! Where would we be without you, San Diego County Libraries (SDCL)? Maybe HOT, roasting at home? Thank you for being...
Whether you are a leader or a follower... movement, even if just a fraction, is action! All those little (fr)actions add up to something big! What do you believe in? What are you passionate about? What are you doing to...

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In + Around San Diego

4th of July: San Diego Events, Viewpoints & Fireworks Displays

Millions of people would agree that San Diego is THE spot to be in summer, which means snagging a good spot to view the...