Congratulations, you’re pregnant! In addition to setting up a nursery, baby-proofing your home, picking out the perfect name, getting ready for a baby shower or two, find the right car seat and stroller – and just a million other...
stroller strides


https://youtu.be/bogVPT-GV34 We hosted our first CONNECT & SWEAT event at the end of January and had SO much fun—we thought we would share the experience with you and get you excited for February's event. CONNECT & SWEAT is a new...
Bloom 2019! We are excited to announce for the 3rd year in a row, in partnership with City Moms Blog, an event for new and expecting moms! We have been working behind the scenes for months on this amazing event...
Marie Kondo’s new show on Netflix has sparked a huge trend of people ridding their homes of unnecessary clutter with a simple question: “Does this spark joy?” If the answer is no, it goes! Personally, I think Marie is...
"This soup is my new obsession! It was so good and I love that it's nondairy with high-quality ingredients. Even my 11-month-old baby loved it!" - Deanne Goodman Gustafson, San Diego Moms Blog Contributor "It's quick, yummy and filling! Healthy...
According to The Statistics Portal, some of the most common New Year's resolutions include eating healthier and working out; that being said, US News states that 80% of people will fail at their resolution by the 2nd week of February. Have you been one of...
It’s round three of our series on mommy makeover surgery. First, a quick recap. In post one, local mom Riana shared her mommy makeover experience and its positive impact on her self-confidence. Post two explained the basics on popular...
Surviving flu season as a mom can be quite a challenge. After all, if mama goes down, we all go down! Below are some tips and tricks I have up my sleeve that keep me afloat during flu season...
The flu season has hit our family hard this year. I feel like every time my daughter Kaialani gets well, she then immediately brings home a new cold. Managing her fever and flu symptoms with Tylenol is a standard...
These self care ideas do not require a babysitter. As busy moms, we all need to take care of ourselves, but I know it is easier said than done. Here are some ideas for getting in some self care...
Biocell Skin is liquid collagen combined WITH Hyaluronic acid in an easy-to-take dose! Collagen is what provides the structural framework for the tissue of your body (thick skin, joint cartilage, etc.) and is responsible for the skin’s firmness and resilience. Hyaluronic...
Do you have a picky eater on your hands? Those toddlers sure develop an opinion about food out of nowhere, considering they survived on a liquid diet for the first six months of their lives! As moms, we want...

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In + Around San Diego

Cox Launches Cox Salutes Offer for Military and Veterans in San...

Cox Communications launches Cox Salutes to keep active duty and veteran military families connected in San Diego. Staying connected is crucial for any family,...